Girls i have something exciting to tell you.
You know how we were trying to raise enough to buy a rickshaw or two at the last workshop - well we raised more than that. So instead of being able to just help out one or two families I opted for a whole community..
Just waiting for paperwork to arrive but we purchased a WHOLE WELL for a community in India. We even got a little plaque on a wall nearby to tell them we care.
I asked them to write the following;
Crop 4 A Cause Ladies
Geelong July 2009
I know to many of you it may not feel like you actually did or gave much, but together we can truly make a difference and you can not underestimate the value of your part in this.
Thank you so much to all of you who were part of this past workshop.
Things as you know have been a bit busy with work and so i haven't organised another workshop as yet for between now and Christmas - though the Christmas one is fully locked in - 12th December up in the Church function room (numbers will be limited to 90) - will give you further details as I get them on this.
If you are interested in just having a couple of get together crops (no kits - just come and scrap - minimum cost) - money will be put towards the Christmas Workshop - leave a comment under this. I will keep checking and if we have enough responses i will arrange another one. If you have other suggestions - feel free to leave those comments too.
Hope to catch up with you all soon